Office for Sustainability
Creating the annual report for Sheridan College’s Office for Sustainability
As an academic institution, employer, investor and community partner, Sheridan College strives to become the institutional model for how a 21st century organization embraces sustainability.
The Sheridan Office for Sustainability aims to foster an institutional culture defined by informed and responsible decision making that reflects the crucial balance between economic, social and environmental priorities, and have built our leadership and reputation by using our campuses as ‘living laboratories’ for sustainability transition, curricular innovation and interdisciplinary teaching and learning.
Learn more Mission Zero at Sheridan College
Timeline︎︎︎January – April 2020
Role︎︎︎ Layout Design, Illustration + Data Visualization
Tools︎︎︎ Adobe Illustrator +InDesign
Final Thoughts
This project taught me a lot about layout structure and working with a client. Since I was the sole designer for this project, I learnt a lot about self-dicipline and organization in order to successfully deliver deadlines and content.